Racy Ghyll Farm

Our good friend, James Rebanks runs Racy Ghyll Farm with his wife Helen. They keep prize-winning Herdwick sheep and a growing herd of Belted Galloway cattle. It's a traditional upland family farm but with huge educational, cultural and social impact due to workshops, courses and events held on the farm around nature, regenerative farming and nature writing. James has written two bestselling books, The Shepherd's Life and English Pastoral

The fleece from the Herdwick sheep is made into our Ullswater tweed and throws.

James Rebanks holding one of his prize Herdwick rams by the head

Our Farms

Hollins Farm

Sam Rawlins and Lizzie Weir farm Sam's family farm in Ennerdale. Sam is the sixth generation of Rawlins on this farm and Lizzie is also from a farming family.

Nibthwaite Grange Farm

John Atkinson is the sixth generation of Atkinsons to farm at Nibthwaite Grange.

Low Bridge End Farm

The Chaplin-Bryce family farm at Low Bridge End farm in St. John's in the Vale.