Windermere Tweed Windermere Tweed Windermere Tweed Windermere Tweed Windermere Tweed

Windermere Tweed


The Windermere tweed takes its inspiration from boating on the lake on a bright day. The orange that runs along the design represents the orange beaks of the swans found along the lakeshore. 
The tweed pattern was simplified from the original design by the Lancs and Lakes Guild of Spinners, Weavers and Dyers, that represented the ripples on the lake. The original design is used in the throws.

The tweed is sold by the metre and is 150cm wide

We used wool from two farms - The Hayton family provided us with Swaledale and rare breed Derbyshire Gritstone fleece from Brow Top Farm and we used Rob and Lisa Berry's Bluefaced Leicester fleece from their farm, Long Garth.  

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The Farms of Our Windermere Yarn

Our Farmers

Brow Top Farm

Long Garth Farm